Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Green Lantern Spotlight

Now this is something of a taboo point with lots of fans. Namely Nova and Green Lantern; Nova Corps and Green Lantern Corps. Two very similiar fans bases following two very similiar sci-fi oriented superheroes who have been part of a quasi-military/police organizations that patrol/support their respective universes at Marvel and DC. And yet when you surf the net and the countless message boards out there, you often come across the most bitterest comments when someone dares to speak about Hal Jordan or Kyle Rayner in regards to Richard Rider, or visaversa.
Now me I can't understand why that is. I freely admit I don't follow Green Lantern a lot. I did read Ganthet's Tale by John Byrne and Larry Niven a few years back and really enjoyed it. But that's about it for DC except when I used to read Flash by Mark Waid and that JLA/Avengers crossover with lovely George Perez art. Recently the GL's have had a truly exceptional arc, the Sinestro Corps saga. Okay I've seen the reviews, read the comments and seen the lovely pictures on the net, especially Ivan Reis art, but for me I just don't read GL because I'm a Nova fan foremost. But they do have so much in common perhaps I should. Maybe also GL fans should check out Nova to see what they've missed. Okay they have similiar origins, similiar concepts, etc. In the end though, despite the similarities and the obvious differences, they're still good comic characters in their own right. So as a early new year resolution I'm going to try and read a bit of GL.
As is, some Nova fans have always wondered how/what would happen if Nova and Green Lantern ever met. How would they react? Would they team up against the Anti Monitor or Annihilus or just have a ego match to see who was best? Likewise what if the Corps, Green and Nova, do if they met? Would they work in some dual cosmic partnership or have a good old tussel or have a tug-of-war contest! Maybe GL and Nova fans can enlighten me. At Nova Prime, a Nova fan suggested that we do a fan-fiction tale to explore this scenario for a fasebase point of view. Maybe one day it could become a comic! If you have ideas, post them! For now because a GL fan has crossed the great divide and posted a link to my blog, I can do no less than do the same. So please visit the Green Lantern Spotlight and share a few moments with the GL brigade. I will and maybe make a few new friends in the process! Daz.


Unknown said...

I've made that comparison for years. I read both books and love each one of them. Check out my Warriors' Mix page if you get the chance.

nova3333 said...

I've added Warrior's Mix to the links. I have visted you site a few times when I cross link with Nova Prime Page. Good site; Every bit of Nova Promotion helps! Incidently I read/bought my first Green Lantern comic; the end of the Sinestro Corps story; Very good. Loved the art by Ivan Reis. May collect it as a means of research for a potential Nova/GL fan fic in 2008. Daz.

Unknown said...

Sounds good. Have a happy holiday.