Cosmo be here, present and correct to thought-speak view of Nova 9. Nova 9 is very good comic! How you say? The bees' knees! Of course have to be fair that Nova also Good Guy cause Comarade bought me a rubber bone toy from market! Things at Knowhere have been bad! Real bad since Luminals dropped off black box with bad guy inside. Abyss is name; pity Cosmo and Comrade Nova do not know what is inside box but considering zombies walking around Knowhere and causing all £$£"! maybe Cosmo do not want to know what's inside box. As Cosmo said to Comrade Nova; saw Linda Blair film and crapped behind sofa! Truly bad thing! Masters we're happy too so Cosmo hid them in my collar for safe keeping! Clever da! Cosmo is very worried for Comrade Nova's health; he be infected by transmode virus from Phalanx..$%%£ off-spring from almight Technarchy. Nova used transmode virus to keep Abyss inside box, which keeped him in check. But not good thing! First off Cosmo knows now that Comrade Nova is now even more worried about going bad himself. Cosmo heard him screaming in sleep last night while Cosmo slept in doggie basket with new toy for company.. He is Good Guy! He needs to sort out problem fast! So to help, have sent him to Kvch to find out all about Technarchy. Maybe he can find way to cure himself of the virus but is difficult thing da? But also worried becaue beautiful green girl with big bazomas and big green guy with tattos went after him! They're bad people; killed a lot of staff in Continuum Cortex chamber! Cosmo have very bad feeling about this! Also Cosmo comment that artist Alves made me and Nova look real good! And love that Cosmo work well with two good writers Comrades Abnett and Lanning! Cosmo hopes to meet Comrade Nova soon. Maybe join Nova Corps as mascot or Chief of Security! Could work from Knowhere till it falls of edge of Universe; that be a while away but for now Cosmo keep eyes on Abyss and make sure he stays inside big box thing but have dread feeling Abyss is going to get out! Hope Comrade Nova comes back! Cosmo want to go flying again! Whoo Hooo! Rocket Style! Spaciba!
Cosmo: CS Knowhere The Rip
Saturday Splash Page #167
*"Light 'Em Up," in Sgt. Rock vs. the Army of the Dead #4, by Bruce
Campbell (writer), Eduardo Risso (artist), Kristian Rossi (colorist), Rob
Leigh (lette...
20 hours ago
I love Cosmo. Honestly, we need a 4 part Nova and Cosmo mini series in 2008.
Seconded! Daz.
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