Like any hero, Nova has his admirers in the fan-art base. Some are convention sketches, others here are ones done by amateur artists. Here's a few that I found on the net. Incidently the photo-generated one is one of mine.
Saturday Splash Page #167
*"Light 'Em Up," in Sgt. Rock vs. the Army of the Dead #4, by Bruce
Campbell (writer), Eduardo Risso (artist), Kristian Rossi (colorist), Rob
Leigh (lette...
بمعنى الموقع ان الورد في عيد الحب ماذا تقدم معاه ومع احلى الحلا الان
هنشوووف :
هذه الصورة تهدي الى من تحبة لشخص واحد فقط .
هذه الصورة تهدي الى القاعات ...
Those are great!
Love your photo-generated one!
Who did the top two? The artwork looks familiar on the first one but I can't quite place it.
Hi Doug. In all fairness I can't recall where I found them; all I now they were on some art boards I frequent but which one...I have to do a search...
The colour one with Nova crossing his arms was done by an unknown artist simply called 122476 who is Mexican and a fan of Scottie Young.
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