Friday, January 11, 2008

Nova's First Annual!

That right folks! Nova's getting an Annual! About bloody time Marvel! It's only taken, well since 1976!The Annual (technically Nova 10.5) comes out on February 11th and continues the Phalanx/Conquest arc since Nova 4. Set after the events of Nova 10, Rich is in dire circumstances. The technophage is out of control and if he doesn't find a cure he'll revert back to being a Select, or worse!
What happens in the Annual is still open to full debate but what we do know is that the Annual will be Abnett and Lanning's attempt to enlighten new Nova fans to the humble origins of the Human Rocket; in fact the cover by Nic Klien is a homage to the cover on Nova 1 from 1976! I won't spoil Nova's origin here but I'm gonna be very keen to see how DNA along with artists Wellington Alves and Mahmud Asrar (Dynamo 5) , bring up to date a very traditional superhero origin tale for the readers of the 21st Century. The events here will contnue in Nova 11 when Paul Petellier joins as regular artist. Can't wait!

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