Okay; switching tack! Time to do a bit of publicity! Myself, alongside a few fellow "bucketheads", decided a while back that we wanted to rectify a major crime: lack of available online Nova fan fiction!
To be fair, there is New Warriors fan-fiction which does feature Nova. Often stories are set after the original New Warrior's run which finished with issue 75, back in the 90's. Many of the sites have sadly vanished into internet limbo, but one site, The Marvel Mansion, at Livejournal, does endevour to carry on Nova's exploits of the original New Warriors. The stories are very neatly put together in a unique way because they're not written by one person, but several! I'd call it story chain writing: One person starts off with a paragraph, then the next one adds a few lines, then another and so on; each adding to the plot. Some of the tales are very good; the present one has the Warriors visiting Hell! A notable point is that Rich Rider's romance with Namorita; little cousin to a certain bad tempered undersea monarch, never ended cause the Warriors never died as they did in Civil War so expect a lot of snogging an the like! The link is below:
For my own Nova fan-fics; well I, and my co-writer, Bill are firmly sticking to the "present" Annihilation version Rich Rider: with a slight twist. The "twist" is that our stories, just like the New Warriors ongoing, is set in an alternative universe which we've called 615 (there's a space!). Here the events of Annihilation still happened so Rich has the full Nova Force at his disposal; he has Worldmind giving him grief/advice and also trying to make sure Rich lives to his Nova "potential". The timeline changes after the events on Earth (Nova 2-3); here Nova doesn't go to Hala and end up in Conquest; instead he heads off in a new direction altogether to face a few new challenges and enemies along the way as well as interact with new and familiar characters!
It also gives us a chance to try and "fill in the gaps!!" For example we're doing an arc to depict how Rich became the leader of the United Front and it features a character that is a firm fan favourite for many Novalites!
I'm currently half-way through writing story 1, Bill is doing his story too but we're taking time to fit this into the day jobs! If you want to check on our plot ideas or contribute a few, you can do it here or go and join NTNA at Yahoo. The link is on the sidebar or check it out with the one below!
Saturday Splash Page #167
*"Light 'Em Up," in Sgt. Rock vs. the Army of the Dead #4, by Bruce
Campbell (writer), Eduardo Risso (artist), Kristian Rossi (colorist), Rob
Leigh (lette...
20 hours ago
1 comment:
I'm Namora's player (aka proud mom) and I wanted to talk a little more about the community "Marvel Mansion." We've been operating for over 2 years and we have a sister DC branch, "jla_watchtower" also on LiveJournal which has been running for 4. Many of us started writing there because we were not thrilled with what Quesada and Didio have been doing with the characters and we figured we'd cut things off mostly at "Heroes Reborn," keep what we liked after that, create a few original characters, and do our own stories. (For DC, the cut off is more or less "Identity Crisis," and a bit sooner then that for the Titans.) Between the two games we have a few dozen players, most of whom are veteran role-players and writers (We even have a few pro writers, but no pro comics people.)
How it works is that each of us has anywhere from 1-20 characters (I have 11 on the Marvel side, 6 on DC.) that we feel we can give a good voice to. Individual people or small groups come up with plots and pitch them to the players and we run with what we like. We then place the characters in the plots and let 'em loose. We're always looking for good people either to play or come and watch. (I should note that he "Hell," Tai sent the characters to is a splinter of the 616 world and my head has hurt like the dickens playing Tony Stark out there.)
As you noticed, the New Warriors are one of our signature teams and we love them dearly. There's a giant space plot in the works for everyone with Rich having a major role and giant arc for Nita and Nova's relationship.
We have fan communities for discussions of plot by non-players - mansion_fans, and watchtower_fans for the DC people.
Lastly, this would be the scene where Nita and Nova first got officially "together." It also features, Speedball (no Penance here!), Namora, and a pair of boxer shorts. It was voted a major favorite and we hope you like it too:
Thank you for the boost, it made our night in the chat!
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