For all things Nova on a fan base level; the place to go is the Nova Prime Page! Created by long time fan Doug Smith, NPP is a truly amazing place to learn everything there is to know about the Human Rocket, past, present and future! It packed with articles, fan art (including convention sketches form well known Marvel artists including Sean Chen, Joe Sinnot, etc) and synopsis on every Nova comic ever published from Nova's debut in 1976 till the present series by Abnett and Lanning!
It has extensive databases on Nova's chronology, the various uniforms he's worn, products, and up to the minute tit-bits on Nova news wise! It also has its own Yahoo group: Nova Prime which is where bucket-heads like me hanf out and chat Nova morning, noon and night. There's a link to that in the sidebar!
One thing I'll also mention is Rocket Boosters: an on-line downloadable fan-zine which celebrated Nova's 30th anniversary last year which I and several Nova fans contributed to. In all if you want to know Nova, visit NPP today and say Hi to Doug while you're there!